by Ozabu, また来年 (Mata Rainen), 2019 - |
Final weekend to visit the first solo presentation of japanese artist Ozabu at Hashimoto Contemporary art gallery at San Francisco, California.
Around 15 small format graphite on paper drawings are the base of the exhibition. Some of them with extraordinary aesthetical construction. This way, even if some of the imagery looks like not to be well finished, the spectators could discover with delight an inner construction of femininity and its projection through elements of nature. Nature that appears as a comforting frame for the introspection.
Meguru” will be open until this november 23, 2019.
by Ozabu, まるまるさんかく (Maru Maru Sankaku), 2019 |
by Ozabu, 逃げても 逃げても (Nigete Mo Nigete Mo), 2019 |
by Ozabu, 梅雨の庭 (Tsuyu No Niwa), 2019 |
by Ozabu, Bonsai Girl 文人 (Bunjin), 2019 |
by Ozabu, Bonsai Girl 懸崖 (Kengai), 2019 |
by Ozabu, 浅い夢 (Asai Yume), 2019 |
by Ozabu, ぼとり (Botori), 2019 |
by Ozabu, 堀川 (Horikawa), 2019 |
by Ozabu, 皐月 (Satsuki), 2019 |