Futuro Vintage en el arte collage de Frank Moth

"The Boy and the Birds" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"The Boy and the Birds" by Frank Moth - 

Perdimos la atmósfera, la cual en gran medida, era el resultado de una audaz vida vegetal. Fotosíntesis virtuosa que le dio al hombre el oxígeno y su alimento. Y que en ocasión de la química del universo, fue capaz de proteger lo que habita en este cuerpo planetario, el tercero en órbita alrededor del Sol. Pero fuimos caprichosos, tal como lo es la evolución: decidimos genéticamente modificarnos para aguantar los fuegos astrales y olvidarnos de la respiración. Salimos del mar y ahora dejamos la Tierra. Somos interplanetarios, navegantes de estrellas y asteroides, que en lo más oscuro de las mareas, son antimateria.

Pero también desciframos los sueños, y con su magia, nos tele-transportamos. Afortunados fueron entonces los jóvenes, que en su aún vigente fragilidad ósea, eran capaces de desistir al cuerpo y fugarse en alma a la velocidad de la luz. Así púes ocurrió la interacción con el más allá de la creación y su dichoso Big-Bang. Y en la aleatoriedad de los escapes el futuro se volvió vintage, gestión de adolescentes en mundo de gigantes. Domadores de gorriones en estampida y figura descalza en pictórica de volcán: “The Boy and the Birds”. 

Y los adultos siempre atorados en el ayer alimentan su viaje con la nostalgia de las costumbres del pasado, y en los anocheceres de los planetas cuadrados se sientan en banca de parque para en recuerdos de Luna fijar la mirada y decir "We Used to Live There".  Y los amantes, no menos nostálgicos, harán crecer flores en  rocas de acantilados mientras en amanecer monumental, se parte el cuadro al asomarse orgullosa la iluminada periferia del castigado planeta azulado: “Love”.

Calma de futuro nostálgico en posteridad de flores y aparatos de televisión: es un futuro vintage donde los antiguos humanos se vislumbran inalterados ante el salto cuántico de la exploración de aquellos mundos que desde la imaginación del diseñador gráfico Frank Moth, se profesan con la estética de los recuerdos que serán por siempre encumbrados. Nostalgia que impregna cada obra mientras que lo visual se arraiga en la eternidad de la memoria de los espectadores, imágenes para de inmediato ser alabado. Hay poesía, hay metáfora visual. 

"We Used to Live There" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"We Used to Live There" by Frank Moth

"Love" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Love" by Frank Moth 

"Across The History" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | alone
"Across The History" by Frank Moth 

"Birds" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Birds" by Frank Moth 

"Distance And Eternity" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Distance And Eternity" by Frank Moth 

"Dying in Your Arms" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Dying in Your Arms" by Frank Moth 

"Escaping into the Void" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Escaping into the Void" by Frank Moth 

"Figuring Out Ways to Escape" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Figuring Out Ways to Escape" by Frank Moth 

"Follow Me" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | alone
"Follow Me" by Frank Moth 

"Free" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Free" by Frank Moth

"Friends Not Friends" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | moon
"Friends Not Friends" by Frank Moth

"Gates" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Gates" by Frank Moth 

"Hanging on to a Dream" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Hanging on to a Dream" by Frank Moth 

"Hopes and Dreams" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Hopes and Dreams" by Frank Moth

"I Gave You the Moon for a Smile" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"I Gave You the Moon for a Smile" by Frank Moth 

"Is This The City We Dreamt Of" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Is This The City We Dreamt Of" by Frank Moth 

"Light Explosions in Our Sky" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Light Explosions in Our Sky" by Frank Moth

"Lost In Your Memories" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | loneliness
"Lost In Your Memories" by Frank Moth 

"Missing the Ones we left Behind" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Missing the Ones we left Behind" by Frank Moth

"Mother Show me The Way" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Mother Show me The Way" by Frank Moth

"My Choices Left Me Alone" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"My Choices Left Me Alone" by Frank Moth 

"Nostalgia" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Nostalgia" by Frank Moth 

"Returnings" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Returnings" by Frank Moth 

"Software Road" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Software Road" by Frank Moth 

"The Earth was crying and We were there" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"The Earth was crying and We were there" by Frank Moth

"The Others" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"The Others" by Frank Moth 

"There Will be Light in the End" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"There Will be Light in the End" by Frank Moth 

"The Roses Came" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"The Roses Came" by Frank Moth

"They Are Waiting for Us" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"They Are Waiting for Us" by Frank Moth

"Those Evenings" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space moon
"Those Evenings" by Frank Moth 

"Timeless Anticipation" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Timeless Anticipation" by Frank Moth 

"Time to Go Home" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | space
"Time to Go Home" by Frank Moth

"We Chose this Road My Dear" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | alone in space
"We Chose this Road My Dear" by Frank Moth 

"We Dont Belong Here" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"We Dont Belong Here" by Frank Moth

"We Used to Live There Too" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"We Used to Live There Too" by Frank Moth

"Weighing My Chances to Return" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | loneliness
"Weighing My Chances to Return" by Frank Moth 

"20 Seconds before the Rain" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"20 Seconds before the Rain" by Frank Moth

"Lonesummer" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | solitude
"Lonesummer" by Frank Moth

"Loved the Way You Once Looked Upon Tomorrow" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Loved the Way You Once Looked Upon Tomorrow" by Frank Moth

"Spacecolor" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Spacecolor" by Frank Moth

"Standing at the Threshold of Time" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Standing at the Threshold of Time" by Frank Moth

"By My Side" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"By My Side" by Frank Moth 

"Chances Changes" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Chances Changes" by Frank Moth

"Together" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Together" by Frank Moth

"Never Forever" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Never Forever" by Frank Moth

"Stand By Me" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Stand By Me" by Frank Moth

"Promises" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | love
"Promises" by Frank Moth

"Happiness Here" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures
"Happiness Here" by Frank Moth

"Observer" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | pop illustration art pictures
"Observer" by Frank Moth

"Video 404" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | pop illustration art pictures
"Video 404" by Frank Moth

"Where Have You Gone Without Me" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | pop illustration art pictures
"Where Have You Gone Without Me" by Frank Moth

"Hope" by Frank Moth | imagenes chidas de soledad y tristeza | retro futuro | deep emotional pop illustration art pictures | hope
"Hope" by Frank Moth

Posters, camisetas y otros productos con el arte de Frank Moth pueden ser adquiridos en su tienda en línea de la Society6

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